Monday, May 14, 2012

The War on Drugs and Marxism

"Drug dealer"- what a useless label. The "War on Drugs" is just a way for the gov't to make money. Have you ever tried cocaine? It's almost like drinking lots of coffee and a pain killer, not even remotely a big deal. Marijuana? Illegal? What? Even LSD, psychoactive mushrooms and PLANTS aren't a big deal.

In fact I'd say "drugs" being illegal is a good way for a ZOG to enslave people. Maybe LSD can be used to enlighten the masses? Not everyone who uses the stuff becomes a Marxist tool, and in fact that exact propaganda keeps white men away from trying them and gaining higher consciousness because they don't want to turn into a N-lover. What if taking LSD turns you into a pagan Nordicist or tribalist instantly and teaches you about the Black Sun and the true gods of the blood?

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