Friday, May 18, 2012

Flippin' out

Cause I've got something to say
Remember me, remember who I was
The original Nordicist from birth
The blood of Himmler
Alpinid, brown eyes and hair
But that doesn't matter in perceiving the heirarchy
Banned from forums for being anti-Catholic,
I am the original Nordicist

The Catholics have ruined everything for thousands of years
They stamp out anything bright
They are the ruiners of the northern people and always have been for thousands of years
This is the opinion held by many of the old National Socialist fathers
And I continue to agree

Bacchus cults, fertility cults, Britonic druids
I am the original fallen angel blood
Polluted blood of Neanderthal
If I can do and be what I do and am, anything more pure has no excuse

At war forever

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