Monday, May 14, 2012

Vikernes on Life Rejection

The pessimists - like some Judeo-Christians (for instance some of the Gnostics) - see the creation as a punishment, and regard the blood of the giants as the "sin" ("the original sin") that will always follow us and make us mean. According to their mythology we are Lucifer and his fallen angels, cast down from Heaven and forced to live on Earth, because of some "sin" we committed. They believe our physical bodies are the prisons that keep us from returning to Heaven and the world we live in is Hell.

The optimists - like the Pagans - see the creation as an opportunity. We are not exposed to this "Hell", and Earthly life, because we are being punished, but because we are supposed to learn something and improve. The gods united with the giants because they needed to be connected to something physical in order to influence the world physically. Jarl's kin is the tool of the gods, that they can communicate with and influence, and use to achieve their goals. Our minds and spirits are simply elves ("eternal"), that we can describe as "small bits and pieces" of the deity we know as Tīwaz/TīwaR/Týr ("honour", "god[s]"), Svarog ("heaven", "to create"), Jupiter ("father of the gods"), Divas/Deus ("god[s]"), and so forth. Every time we die the still pure ("white") parts of these "bits and pieces" are returned with the deity, before they are sent back to Earth, when we are reborn in the kin. The goal of each individual is to make sure the mind and spirit is not only "white" when we die, but also that it is strengthened and magnified, so that the deity we are apart of is strengthened by our existence. When the deity is strong enough, we will return to the deity and stay there - something the Judeo-Christians call "Heaven" or "Paradise", but it is also known as "Nirvana".

The only way to achieve this is to be "white" and live like we are supposed to, according to the Pagan philosophy of life. The Judeo-Christian solution has been to reject life, and stay "white" that way, but the real solution is to cultivate the "white" life. The racial purity is necessary because the more giant blood there is in each of us, the harder it is to live like we are supposed to. The lighter and fairer the individual is the closer he or she is to the gods. Every physical need and desire in us stems from the giants. The writer H.P. Lovecraft accurately called this "The Call Of Cthulu" - that basically is the call of the blood of the giants; the call of Ymir, Jörmungandr, Tiamat, Leviathan, Satan or whatever we call the force of the giants. However, this "call of Cthulu" is not bad. It is only bad if it takes control of our lives. There is a struggle within us, between the blood of the giants and the spirits of the gods, but if it had not been for the blood of the giants we would never reproduce or even eat, and we would simply return to the deity, without ever doing anything to improve or grow stronger. We would have stayed "white" alright, but there would have been no improvement of any kind - and life would have served no purpose whatsoever (like is the case when the Judeo-Christians and others successfully reject life completely).

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