Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Psychedelic Metaphysics Library

Part 1

At my desk I'm nervous
I call over Braghildi

She's a beautiful woman
Serious and thoughtful brown eyes
She comes excitedly

Hungrily she worships my fat, limp cock
She slurps and chugs
As it hardens she rubs it over her face, begins to finger her clit and hook her fuck spot
She keeps eying me under her long brown bangs
She wants me to feel her from the inside

Anastasia hears us and comes rushing in
She's an Eastern European
Baltid, Nordid
Her lips look tiny compared to my huge cock as Braghildi strokes and feeds it to her
She too worships hungrily

Braghildi bends over my table and spreads her ass cheeks revealing both holes
I dip the tip of my cock in her puss- she gasps- and then I feed it back to Anastasia
She eats it clean

Before going any further I tell them, "I'll be back later."

I put my home-made clothes on
and walk up the torch-lit musky stairway to the lobby and outside to the village

Anxiety and confusion surge through my nervous system
Fear of divine retribution
Fear of judgment
A sign of coming times...
The psilocybin is kicking in

Part 2

A small dragon can be heard on the hunt
Huge for my people,
but small compared to mythology
I decide to seek the council of the Nordfolk

I am a lowly Breton but a Nord-friend
One of my wives is a Nord,
and I've always trusted their council
They respect me in return

Part 3

I enter the village of a Nord lord
His tribe welcomes me with slave girls, food and a place to sleep
They have just finished their New Year's Wild Hunt-
the men wear their axes and swords and are covered with animal blood
They skin their game- wolves, bear and boar
Their women bathe in the dead animal guts
Beautiful, tall, blond and bloody naked
I am just in time to observe their competitive game practice rituals

Days go by
Men compete for the title of Priest
Their intellectual capacity is measured
Their spirituality and beard length
Their empathy and hair length
Their physical strength
Their phallus size
Their height
The best are rewarded with many beautiful women
Some are removed from the tribe and sent to Breton tribes like mine
And some- those that are small or stupid- are respected, but only allowed to love slave girls

Part 4

The blue mushrooms wear off
I go back to my castle
The lord wishes me well and shows me his right-hand poened

I pass my garden and greenhouse
I smell the wind in the fir
I consider reality
I enter my castle and go down to the basement

I ignore my women for now
I fill my pipe with tobacco and light
I consider reality

Carter Hall
Very cheap and leftover from before the apocalypse

I can still hear the dragon far off
I hate it
It scares me
It terrifies me
I consider reality at my desk
I discover that I seek perfection
This is why we're here

Part 5

I love Anastasia
I love Anastasia

I bring a Nord friend over
Anastasia sees his huge, uncut cock
It even beats mine
Braghildi of course is uninterested

I force Anastasia to converse with him
He knows the runes more than I
His outer reflects his inner
And he is a better man
Still, Anastasia too is uninterested
"We will give him our daughter", she says
At least I did what I thought was right
She was of his kind
I would never have offered Braghildi
And would kill him that looks at her too long
For she is mine.
My property.
I continue to contemplate reality
I decide my first steps
I will fuck my women's holes- all of them- but I will not impregnate them yet
I need to figure out what I will do with my offspring and the world around
I continue to smoke

I consider the divinity of logic
But more, I consider it's architect
An invisible sun
An ultra-intelligence
A sun from which I am just a light

Now I have to take a shit
Is this imperfect?
Can the application of divine logic create transcendental technology?
They say our ancestors created the stars
and gave birth to all the heavens
"We are but gods
from the base of the totem"
I stroke my beard
I become anxious
I fall into my comfortable subconscious
And to the sleep one step past chaos and death
"A million bibles written and gone forever. Take solace in knowing neither you nor anything else material, except ultra-materiality, should be worshiped- though the light-beings ought to be listened to. Even Loki has good questions sometimes. But alas, knowledge will win. Loki and the dragon will die as we reach perfection."

Truly with fear I kiss the burning darkness
But I'm honest.
I try my best to be true and dedicated to The Source
With fear I bravely spiral closer and closer towards and around objective reality
"A million bibles written"

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