Wednesday, May 16, 2012 About Me

Gravitate towards the beautiful magic deep in your soul. Hear the sounds of fire and see what the light reveals. Let it's brilliant emanation reflect in your actions. Let that blackest sun be your god and let yourself become it's hands. 

Hello. "My name is Richy." I'm always up to learn and acknowledge precise esoteric truths. I don't get along with most people or scenes for this reason. 

I think that the ideal world is the psychoactive initiatory fertility cult. I think tribalism and all it's manifestations come closest to encouraging this ideal world. The most accurate reflection we've seen so far of the emanation of that divine foundation of reality, I think, was in Himmler's heathen SS and Hitler's Reich. "Psychic horned giants in psychic battle tanks."

However, I am hesitant to accept all who infiltrate our movement. There is a rise in the eternal Roman flavor that I think we need to keep our eyes on. They forget to wear horns and they forget to open their minds to honesty. They are not virile and they are constricting. They don't belong in the land of giants and will never understand them.

But that doesn't mean I spin far off and join all the other random horned beings. Many have forgotten what the gods are and have cut off all pattern recognition in their perception. They're lost in terms, labels and misunderstandings of all manifestations. These arrogant beings who claim nothingness as their only god are little more to me than tools to achieve a breakdown of tyranny but are of no further use in the aftermath of the apocalypse. 

Lastly about my philosophies and as I mentioned, I keep an open mind to truths and question everything. I change and evolve a lot. Most people don't understand that but I don't really care what anyone "thinks."

My favorite sort of music is the sort recorded by people who aren't trying to make money but instead just want to create art. I like music that is passionate and understands the sound of the fireborn psyche. Therefore, the vibrations that enter my ears the most often could be described as raw homemade psychedelic heathen/folk black metal.

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