Monday, May 14, 2012

A Post by Will Williams on Stormfront

I was rereading Mr. Himmler's attitude toward Christianity here: The Hitler Faith I thought about how closely aligned this view is with Dr. Pierce's Cosmotheistic view.

Dr. Pierce had just one portrait on his office wall: Heinrich Himmler. This could explain that factoid about him to some extent.

National Socialism vs. Christianity
by James Bowery


HIMMLER AND THE SS : SS epitomizes the contradistinction between Christianity and the philosophy of the Third Reich. It was a Black Order in its own right, and Himmler envisaged the creation of an autonomous SS State which would be an example to the world of National Socialism. In 1937 Himmler instructed his chiefs to plan a counter-culture to replace Christianity, and it was declared, "the age of the final showdown with Christianity" had dawned, and one of the objectives of the SS was to provide Germans with "the proper ideological foundation" to replace it. An SS porcelain factory manufactured pagan cult objects to replace Christian symbols. The Summer and Winter Solstices were revived to replace Christian festivals. There were SS birth and marriage ceremonies of heathen character. The underlying conception behind such ceremonies was the SS perspective of birth and marriage as aspects of an eternal cycle of life and death. Himmler's right-hand man, Heydrich, Reich Security chief, declared of Christianity and heathenism: "Who is there among us who does not, deep in his heart, provided he can still think with his blood, have a profound, strangely haunting sense of shame, when, walking through the countryside, before the panorama perhaps of snow-covered Alpine mountain tops or in the midst of a somber Westphalian heath, comes across an image of the crucified Jesus? The Gods of our ancestors looked different; they were men, and each had a weapon in his hand, symbolizing the attitude to life that is inherent in our race: that of action, that of a man's responsibility to himself. How different the pale crucified one, expressing- by his decided look of suffering, humility and extreme surrender - qualities which contradict the fundamental heroic attitude of our race." Himmler's idea of God was a major influence on SS philosophy. This Got was spelled with only one 't' in archaic German, to distinguish it from the Christian "gott". At an SS birth ceremony it was declared: "From Got your knowledge, your tasks, your life-purpose, all life's perceptions flow. Each who drink from this tankard be witness to the fact that you are Got-united." SS newlyweds were betrothed before the SS Wedding Altar and presented with a wooden bread dish by Himmler. This bore the carved legend: "Be worthy of the bread of your soil, then your kin will live forever." Himmler in his 1935 publication The SS as an Anti-Bolshevik Battle Organization, rejected atheism and propounded a belief in a god or first principle responsible for cosmic ordering of "this whole earth, the entire plant and animal world." Amongst his trusted aides he referred to this god as Uralten - "the original or ancient one", an old Germanic conception. Christianity had placed women in a position of subjection to enforce their destruction. The priesthood was seen as a homoerotic and even homosexual institution, anti-woman by its nature. "The whole tenor of the priesthood and the whole of Christianity [was that of] an erotic male fraternity for the formation and maintenance of this Bolshevism." "I have the conviction that the Roman emperors, who exterminated the first Christians, did precisely what we are doing with the communists. These Christians were at the time the vilest scum, which the city accommodated, the vilest Jewish people, the vilest Bolsheviks there were. The bolshevism at that time had the power to grow large on the dying body of Rome. The priesthood of this Christian church, which later in unending battle subjugated the Aryan Church, was engaged from the fourth to the fifth century in demanding the celibacy of the priesthood. They based themselves on St. Paul and the original apostles who presented the woman as something sinful and tolerated or recommended marriage as a legal way out of whoredom- that is in the Bible- and represented the procreation of children as a 'necessary evil'. This priesthood pursued this path consistently through those centuries until in the year 1139 the celibacy of priests was put into effect. Further, I have the conviction that merely for the few who do not wish to reconcile themselves to this homosexuality - especially for the parish priests who in my , estimation are to an overwhelming extent, over 50%, not homosexual, while I assume that in the monasteries homosexuality amounts to 90- 95-100% - there is a way out created for them to procure the necessary women and females in the oral confession box." Himmler hoped that within a few years judicial proceedings would show the Church leadership up as a homosexual fraternity which "has been terrorizing people for 1800 years, claiming from them the greatest blood sacrifices, sadistically perverse in its manifestations." As we have seen , several years later, the judicial system did begin to address this matter with the trial of monks for molestation. Himmler emphasized the anti-woman nature of the Medieval witch and heresy trials. It is an interesting sidelight that he expected particular attention to be paid to interaction between his SS men and young women socially, to combat the "exaggerated masculinizing" of society. Addressing SS at Posen in 1942 on their numerous tasks, Himmler zeroed in on Christianity, saying that it would have to be dealt with more vigorously than hitherto. "This Christendom, this greatest pestilence which could have befallen us in history, which has weakened us for every conflict, we must finish with." Himmler attacked the Christian idea of Man as above or apart from Nature, and explained his cyclic conception of Eternity, that Man must be anchored in his ancestors and in his grandchildren.

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