Saturday, May 26, 2012

I don't want to hear about another's trip

I want to find the magic inside myself. I want to become again that computer programmer altering reality. I want to be a cyborg manipulating the solar systems. I want to be an editor of consciousness. I want to do the job I'm here to do. I want to be the hands of the god I am. I want to be serious and get to work. I want to get the job done.

Leary's 8-circuits of consciousness

The eight circuits of the human nervous system

The names for the circuits used by Timothy Leary [1][2][3] are shown first and the names for the circuits used by Robert Anton Wilson are shown next [4](they both used the same names for the first, second, and fifth circuits). After the name of the circuit, the name that was used by Timothy Leary to describe the level of consciousness that is activated by that circuit is shown in parentheses.[2]

[edit]1. The Biosurvival Circuit (the Breath of Consciousness)

This circuit is imprinted in infancy, concerned with suckling, nourishment, cuddling, bio-security, etc. The imprinting of this circuit sets up the basic attitude of trust or suspicion which will last for life. First activated when a human being is born, and programs perception onto an either-or grid, divided into nurturing-helpful and noxious-dangerous (approach/accept vs. flight/flee). This circuit is activated in adults by opioids such as heroin. This circuit is said to have appeared in the earliest evolution of the invertebrate brain. This circuit begins with 1 spatial dimension, forward/back.

[edit]2. The Emotional–Territorial Circuit (Freud's Ego)

The Emotional Circuit is imprinted in the toddling stage, concerned with emotions, domination and submission strategies, territory, etc. The first imprint on this circuit identifies the stimuli which will automatically trigger dominant, aggressive behavior or submissive, co-operative behavior. This circuit is activated by large quantities of alcohol (inebriation). This circuit appeared first in territorial vertebrate animals. This circuit introduces a 2nd dimension; up/down.

[edit]3. The Symbolic or Neurosemantic–Dexterity Circuit (the Rational Mind)

This circuit is imprinted by human artifacts and symbol systems. It is concerned with handling the environment, invention, calculation, prediction, building a "map" of the universe, etc. It is associated with physical dexterity. This circuit is activated by stimulant drugs such as methamphetamine and cocaine. This circuit supposedly appeared first when hominids started differentiating from the rest of the primates.

[edit]4. The Domestic or Sociosexual Circuit (the "Adult" Personality)

This fourth circuit is imprinted by the first orgasm-mating experiences and tribal "morals". It is concerned with sexual pleasure (instead of sexual reproduction), local definitions of "moral" and "immoral", reproduction, nurture of the young, etc. It is basically concerned with operating within social networks and the transmission of culture across time. This circuit is said to have first appeared with the development of tribes. Leary never associated a drug with it, but some have pointed out that entactogens such as MDMA seem to meet some of the requirements needed to activate this circuit.

[edit]5. The Neurosomatic Circuit (Zen–Yoga Mind–body Connection)

This is concerned with neurological-somatic feedbacks, feeling high, somatic reprogramming, etc. The fifth circuit, according to Leary, is consciousness of the body. There is a marked shift from linear visual space to an all-encompassing aesthetic sensory space. A hedonistic turn-on occurs, a rapturous amusement, a detachment from the previously compulsive mechanism of the first four circuits. This circuit is activated by ecstatic experiences via physiological effects of cannabisHatha YogatantraZen meditation, and free fall. Leary describes that this circuit first appeared in the upper classes, with the development of leisure-class civilizations around 2000 BC.

[edit]6. The Neuroelectric or Metaprogramming Circuit (Psionic Electronic-Interface Earth Grid Mind)

This circuit is concerned with re-imprinting and re-programming all earlier circuits and the relativity of “realities” perceived. The sixth circuit consists of the nervous system becoming aware of itself. Leary says this circuit enables telepathic communication and is activated by low-to-moderate doses of LSD (50-150 µg), moderate doses of Peyote, and psilocybin mushrooms. This circuit is traced by Leary back to 500 BC, and he associates it with the Silk Road.

[edit]7. The Neurogenetic or Morphogenetic Circuit (Buddha–Monad "Mind")

This part is concerned with evolutionary consciousness (past and future), DNA-RNA-brain feedbacks (ancestral, societal and scientific). The first to achieve this mutation spoke of "memories ofpast lives", "reincarnation", "immortality" etc. This circuit is activated by regular doses of LSD (200-500 µg), higher doses of Peyote, higher doses of psilocybin mushroomsRaja Yoga, and years of dedicated meditative practice in general. The circuit first appeared among the Hindus in the early first millennium and later reappeared among the Sufi sects.

[edit]8. The Psychoatomic or Quantum Non-local Circuit (Overmind)

The eighth circuit is concerned with quantum consciousnessnon-local awareness (information from beyond ordinary space-time awareness which is limited by the speed of light), illumination. Some of the ways this circuit can get activated are: the awakening of kundalini, shock, a near-death experience, etc. This circuit has even been compared to the Buddhist concept of Indra's netfrom the Avatamsaka Sutra. This circuit is activated by DMT and high doses of ketamine (75-125 mg IM, see "K-hole").

Seriousness and maturity

This is the best way to get over a bad trip. Man up- you're doing this for business. You're here for a reason and it's your job to find out why. If the gods want to take your life, let them- it's their loss, isn't it?

The above is my way alone, you might be different.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Oh there are just beautiful things

beautiful white women with their eyes and tattoos
their feet and their wedding rings
their noses and everything about them
their freedom and their understanding of what I am
their beauty in the forests and the rivers
against the light of computer screens and in post-apocalyptic apartment complexes
so beautiful- this is all I want to preserve, forever
this is all that matters
beauty and intellect, for me

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

LSD and sexuality: the folk's salvation

This is an essay I've been meaning to write but I don't get much of a chance. In summary it's basically saying the Eleusinian initiatory mysteries and advanced sexual selection eugenics are what we need. Both of these items are controversial and affiliated with Jews and Marxists (propaganda...), but in fact that is a very Catholic way of looking at it.

Beware the Catholic Police State

With the rise of nationalism finally occurring (and this is actually a good thing), tribalism has again a chance. But opportunists are going to try to claim the movement (which was a HEATHEN movement to start!) and instate a police state against all they deem degenerate. This will include the priest-king shamans of the tribalists for their use of psychoactive substances and this will include the sexual magicians. They, who were always part of the mass and never ignited a movement, are going to claim the movement! I will say this now: I was a Nordicist and nationalist-tribalist before ANY of you morons!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Flippin' out

Cause I've got something to say
Remember me, remember who I was
The original Nordicist from birth
The blood of Himmler
Alpinid, brown eyes and hair
But that doesn't matter in perceiving the heirarchy
Banned from forums for being anti-Catholic,
I am the original Nordicist

The Catholics have ruined everything for thousands of years
They stamp out anything bright
They are the ruiners of the northern people and always have been for thousands of years
This is the opinion held by many of the old National Socialist fathers
And I continue to agree

Bacchus cults, fertility cults, Britonic druids
I am the original fallen angel blood
Polluted blood of Neanderthal
If I can do and be what I do and am, anything more pure has no excuse

At war forever

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Multi-tribal anti-globalism (Random notes)

There is the possibility of multi-tribal existences standing against globalism. Of course there are superior tribes manifested on this planet but multiple tribes can be allowed to exist. The point that needs to be made though is that inferior tribes aren't benefited by conquering superior peaceful or disorganized tribes. And so because this happens, all men should develop their tribes and see themselves as one unit. Self-defense should be a goal and the tribe should make this a point. And sometimes, the superior tribes in their best self-defense need to have a strong offense. Ancient. Tribal. War.

Violent action ability
Inner peace, love instead of war, sexual selection
Psychic development About Me

Gravitate towards the beautiful magic deep in your soul. Hear the sounds of fire and see what the light reveals. Let it's brilliant emanation reflect in your actions. Let that blackest sun be your god and let yourself become it's hands. 

Hello. "My name is Richy." I'm always up to learn and acknowledge precise esoteric truths. I don't get along with most people or scenes for this reason. 

I think that the ideal world is the psychoactive initiatory fertility cult. I think tribalism and all it's manifestations come closest to encouraging this ideal world. The most accurate reflection we've seen so far of the emanation of that divine foundation of reality, I think, was in Himmler's heathen SS and Hitler's Reich. "Psychic horned giants in psychic battle tanks."

However, I am hesitant to accept all who infiltrate our movement. There is a rise in the eternal Roman flavor that I think we need to keep our eyes on. They forget to wear horns and they forget to open their minds to honesty. They are not virile and they are constricting. They don't belong in the land of giants and will never understand them.

But that doesn't mean I spin far off and join all the other random horned beings. Many have forgotten what the gods are and have cut off all pattern recognition in their perception. They're lost in terms, labels and misunderstandings of all manifestations. These arrogant beings who claim nothingness as their only god are little more to me than tools to achieve a breakdown of tyranny but are of no further use in the aftermath of the apocalypse. 

Lastly about my philosophies and as I mentioned, I keep an open mind to truths and question everything. I change and evolve a lot. Most people don't understand that but I don't really care what anyone "thinks."

My favorite sort of music is the sort recorded by people who aren't trying to make money but instead just want to create art. I like music that is passionate and understands the sound of the fireborn psyche. Therefore, the vibrations that enter my ears the most often could be described as raw homemade psychedelic heathen/folk black metal.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

History is Clear

Don't shape yourself based on current political movements. Define yourself now- because history and politics keep repeating themselves.

Monday, May 14, 2012

The War on Drugs and Marxism

"Drug dealer"- what a useless label. The "War on Drugs" is just a way for the gov't to make money. Have you ever tried cocaine? It's almost like drinking lots of coffee and a pain killer, not even remotely a big deal. Marijuana? Illegal? What? Even LSD, psychoactive mushrooms and PLANTS aren't a big deal.

In fact I'd say "drugs" being illegal is a good way for a ZOG to enslave people. Maybe LSD can be used to enlighten the masses? Not everyone who uses the stuff becomes a Marxist tool, and in fact that exact propaganda keeps white men away from trying them and gaining higher consciousness because they don't want to turn into a N-lover. What if taking LSD turns you into a pagan Nordicist or tribalist instantly and teaches you about the Black Sun and the true gods of the blood?
I am not God. I am a punk. I never claimed to be God.

Sometimes our intuition guides us and is right even when our logical analysis is incomplete. Sometimes we need to speak up even if this is all we've got. That's better than saying nothing and waiting for someone more logical to come along, isn't it?

A Post by Will Williams on Stormfront

I was rereading Mr. Himmler's attitude toward Christianity here: The Hitler Faith I thought about how closely aligned this view is with Dr. Pierce's Cosmotheistic view.

Dr. Pierce had just one portrait on his office wall: Heinrich Himmler. This could explain that factoid about him to some extent.

National Socialism vs. Christianity
by James Bowery


HIMMLER AND THE SS : SS epitomizes the contradistinction between Christianity and the philosophy of the Third Reich. It was a Black Order in its own right, and Himmler envisaged the creation of an autonomous SS State which would be an example to the world of National Socialism. In 1937 Himmler instructed his chiefs to plan a counter-culture to replace Christianity, and it was declared, "the age of the final showdown with Christianity" had dawned, and one of the objectives of the SS was to provide Germans with "the proper ideological foundation" to replace it. An SS porcelain factory manufactured pagan cult objects to replace Christian symbols. The Summer and Winter Solstices were revived to replace Christian festivals. There were SS birth and marriage ceremonies of heathen character. The underlying conception behind such ceremonies was the SS perspective of birth and marriage as aspects of an eternal cycle of life and death. Himmler's right-hand man, Heydrich, Reich Security chief, declared of Christianity and heathenism: "Who is there among us who does not, deep in his heart, provided he can still think with his blood, have a profound, strangely haunting sense of shame, when, walking through the countryside, before the panorama perhaps of snow-covered Alpine mountain tops or in the midst of a somber Westphalian heath, comes across an image of the crucified Jesus? The Gods of our ancestors looked different; they were men, and each had a weapon in his hand, symbolizing the attitude to life that is inherent in our race: that of action, that of a man's responsibility to himself. How different the pale crucified one, expressing- by his decided look of suffering, humility and extreme surrender - qualities which contradict the fundamental heroic attitude of our race." Himmler's idea of God was a major influence on SS philosophy. This Got was spelled with only one 't' in archaic German, to distinguish it from the Christian "gott". At an SS birth ceremony it was declared: "From Got your knowledge, your tasks, your life-purpose, all life's perceptions flow. Each who drink from this tankard be witness to the fact that you are Got-united." SS newlyweds were betrothed before the SS Wedding Altar and presented with a wooden bread dish by Himmler. This bore the carved legend: "Be worthy of the bread of your soil, then your kin will live forever." Himmler in his 1935 publication The SS as an Anti-Bolshevik Battle Organization, rejected atheism and propounded a belief in a god or first principle responsible for cosmic ordering of "this whole earth, the entire plant and animal world." Amongst his trusted aides he referred to this god as Uralten - "the original or ancient one", an old Germanic conception. Christianity had placed women in a position of subjection to enforce their destruction. The priesthood was seen as a homoerotic and even homosexual institution, anti-woman by its nature. "The whole tenor of the priesthood and the whole of Christianity [was that of] an erotic male fraternity for the formation and maintenance of this Bolshevism." "I have the conviction that the Roman emperors, who exterminated the first Christians, did precisely what we are doing with the communists. These Christians were at the time the vilest scum, which the city accommodated, the vilest Jewish people, the vilest Bolsheviks there were. The bolshevism at that time had the power to grow large on the dying body of Rome. The priesthood of this Christian church, which later in unending battle subjugated the Aryan Church, was engaged from the fourth to the fifth century in demanding the celibacy of the priesthood. They based themselves on St. Paul and the original apostles who presented the woman as something sinful and tolerated or recommended marriage as a legal way out of whoredom- that is in the Bible- and represented the procreation of children as a 'necessary evil'. This priesthood pursued this path consistently through those centuries until in the year 1139 the celibacy of priests was put into effect. Further, I have the conviction that merely for the few who do not wish to reconcile themselves to this homosexuality - especially for the parish priests who in my , estimation are to an overwhelming extent, over 50%, not homosexual, while I assume that in the monasteries homosexuality amounts to 90- 95-100% - there is a way out created for them to procure the necessary women and females in the oral confession box." Himmler hoped that within a few years judicial proceedings would show the Church leadership up as a homosexual fraternity which "has been terrorizing people for 1800 years, claiming from them the greatest blood sacrifices, sadistically perverse in its manifestations." As we have seen , several years later, the judicial system did begin to address this matter with the trial of monks for molestation. Himmler emphasized the anti-woman nature of the Medieval witch and heresy trials. It is an interesting sidelight that he expected particular attention to be paid to interaction between his SS men and young women socially, to combat the "exaggerated masculinizing" of society. Addressing SS at Posen in 1942 on their numerous tasks, Himmler zeroed in on Christianity, saying that it would have to be dealt with more vigorously than hitherto. "This Christendom, this greatest pestilence which could have befallen us in history, which has weakened us for every conflict, we must finish with." Himmler attacked the Christian idea of Man as above or apart from Nature, and explained his cyclic conception of Eternity, that Man must be anchored in his ancestors and in his grandchildren.

Vikernes on Life Rejection

The pessimists - like some Judeo-Christians (for instance some of the Gnostics) - see the creation as a punishment, and regard the blood of the giants as the "sin" ("the original sin") that will always follow us and make us mean. According to their mythology we are Lucifer and his fallen angels, cast down from Heaven and forced to live on Earth, because of some "sin" we committed. They believe our physical bodies are the prisons that keep us from returning to Heaven and the world we live in is Hell.

The optimists - like the Pagans - see the creation as an opportunity. We are not exposed to this "Hell", and Earthly life, because we are being punished, but because we are supposed to learn something and improve. The gods united with the giants because they needed to be connected to something physical in order to influence the world physically. Jarl's kin is the tool of the gods, that they can communicate with and influence, and use to achieve their goals. Our minds and spirits are simply elves ("eternal"), that we can describe as "small bits and pieces" of the deity we know as Tīwaz/TīwaR/Týr ("honour", "god[s]"), Svarog ("heaven", "to create"), Jupiter ("father of the gods"), Divas/Deus ("god[s]"), and so forth. Every time we die the still pure ("white") parts of these "bits and pieces" are returned with the deity, before they are sent back to Earth, when we are reborn in the kin. The goal of each individual is to make sure the mind and spirit is not only "white" when we die, but also that it is strengthened and magnified, so that the deity we are apart of is strengthened by our existence. When the deity is strong enough, we will return to the deity and stay there - something the Judeo-Christians call "Heaven" or "Paradise", but it is also known as "Nirvana".

The only way to achieve this is to be "white" and live like we are supposed to, according to the Pagan philosophy of life. The Judeo-Christian solution has been to reject life, and stay "white" that way, but the real solution is to cultivate the "white" life. The racial purity is necessary because the more giant blood there is in each of us, the harder it is to live like we are supposed to. The lighter and fairer the individual is the closer he or she is to the gods. Every physical need and desire in us stems from the giants. The writer H.P. Lovecraft accurately called this "The Call Of Cthulu" - that basically is the call of the blood of the giants; the call of Ymir, Jörmungandr, Tiamat, Leviathan, Satan or whatever we call the force of the giants. However, this "call of Cthulu" is not bad. It is only bad if it takes control of our lives. There is a struggle within us, between the blood of the giants and the spirits of the gods, but if it had not been for the blood of the giants we would never reproduce or even eat, and we would simply return to the deity, without ever doing anything to improve or grow stronger. We would have stayed "white" alright, but there would have been no improvement of any kind - and life would have served no purpose whatsoever (like is the case when the Judeo-Christians and others successfully reject life completely).

Friday, May 11, 2012

Most Modern Racialists are Morons

Not because racialism isn't a science, but because most of them decide to adopt the religion of a Catholic police state due to modern racialism being colored by anti-National Socialist propaganda. 

Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Psychedelic Metaphysics Library

Part 1

At my desk I'm nervous
I call over Braghildi

She's a beautiful woman
Serious and thoughtful brown eyes
She comes excitedly

Hungrily she worships my fat, limp cock
She slurps and chugs
As it hardens she rubs it over her face, begins to finger her clit and hook her fuck spot
She keeps eying me under her long brown bangs
She wants me to feel her from the inside

Anastasia hears us and comes rushing in
She's an Eastern European
Baltid, Nordid
Her lips look tiny compared to my huge cock as Braghildi strokes and feeds it to her
She too worships hungrily

Braghildi bends over my table and spreads her ass cheeks revealing both holes
I dip the tip of my cock in her puss- she gasps- and then I feed it back to Anastasia
She eats it clean

Before going any further I tell them, "I'll be back later."

I put my home-made clothes on
and walk up the torch-lit musky stairway to the lobby and outside to the village

Anxiety and confusion surge through my nervous system
Fear of divine retribution
Fear of judgment
A sign of coming times...
The psilocybin is kicking in

Part 2

A small dragon can be heard on the hunt
Huge for my people,
but small compared to mythology
I decide to seek the council of the Nordfolk

I am a lowly Breton but a Nord-friend
One of my wives is a Nord,
and I've always trusted their council
They respect me in return

Part 3

I enter the village of a Nord lord
His tribe welcomes me with slave girls, food and a place to sleep
They have just finished their New Year's Wild Hunt-
the men wear their axes and swords and are covered with animal blood
They skin their game- wolves, bear and boar
Their women bathe in the dead animal guts
Beautiful, tall, blond and bloody naked
I am just in time to observe their competitive game practice rituals

Days go by
Men compete for the title of Priest
Their intellectual capacity is measured
Their spirituality and beard length
Their empathy and hair length
Their physical strength
Their phallus size
Their height
The best are rewarded with many beautiful women
Some are removed from the tribe and sent to Breton tribes like mine
And some- those that are small or stupid- are respected, but only allowed to love slave girls

Part 4

The blue mushrooms wear off
I go back to my castle
The lord wishes me well and shows me his right-hand poened

I pass my garden and greenhouse
I smell the wind in the fir
I consider reality
I enter my castle and go down to the basement

I ignore my women for now
I fill my pipe with tobacco and light
I consider reality

Carter Hall
Very cheap and leftover from before the apocalypse

I can still hear the dragon far off
I hate it
It scares me
It terrifies me
I consider reality at my desk
I discover that I seek perfection
This is why we're here

Part 5

I love Anastasia
I love Anastasia

I bring a Nord friend over
Anastasia sees his huge, uncut cock
It even beats mine
Braghildi of course is uninterested

I force Anastasia to converse with him
He knows the runes more than I
His outer reflects his inner
And he is a better man
Still, Anastasia too is uninterested
"We will give him our daughter", she says
At least I did what I thought was right
She was of his kind
I would never have offered Braghildi
And would kill him that looks at her too long
For she is mine.
My property.
I continue to contemplate reality
I decide my first steps
I will fuck my women's holes- all of them- but I will not impregnate them yet
I need to figure out what I will do with my offspring and the world around
I continue to smoke

I consider the divinity of logic
But more, I consider it's architect
An invisible sun
An ultra-intelligence
A sun from which I am just a light

Now I have to take a shit
Is this imperfect?
Can the application of divine logic create transcendental technology?
They say our ancestors created the stars
and gave birth to all the heavens
"We are but gods
from the base of the totem"
I stroke my beard
I become anxious
I fall into my comfortable subconscious
And to the sleep one step past chaos and death
"A million bibles written and gone forever. Take solace in knowing neither you nor anything else material, except ultra-materiality, should be worshiped- though the light-beings ought to be listened to. Even Loki has good questions sometimes. But alas, knowledge will win. Loki and the dragon will die as we reach perfection."

Truly with fear I kiss the burning darkness
But I'm honest.
I try my best to be true and dedicated to The Source
With fear I bravely spiral closer and closer towards and around objective reality
"A million bibles written"